Sunday, January 22, 2017

Papa's Baby

Kaylene is the mother of Olivia. When Olivia was hurt she was mad and lashed out. She posted how she couldn't press charges for child endangerment because I was the grandfather and that I would never be allowed to be responsible for my grandbaby again. Other things were also said as well. Everything just totally blew up and out of proportion. Once it was stated that we would no longer see her we called my son to let him know to come get her stuff. Kaylene walks into my door like nothing has happened. When confronted on all the things she said she denied them. I came unglued. I told her to get the f@#$ out of my house. I have no respect for liars. Especially when everything is out there on texts and social media. It was not long after that that she took the baby and left.

I am not writing to make any excuses for my son because I truly do not know what happened. But they had just purchased a car together and a house together and then she moves? They had not been in the house for a week. I don't know if that was a planned get even or not.

We did not speak for a couple of  months until my wife reached out and wanted to know if we came to Cali would we be able to see the baby. Her response at this point in time I have an answer for you but how did you plan on seeing her? We would drive out but it would not be right of way because we have to save money for the trip. She said well at this time I will have to say no. So my question is what the hell did it matter how or when we were coming? It was just another little game played to add to the hurt. This was in September.

Now in January was when my wife reached out to her mom. Her mom said she did not want to be in the middle and all decisions were up to Kaylene and that Kaylene felt she was owed an apology for being thrown out of the house. (or for being attacked as she put it) but she understood we missed her. I then write the first of this blog. I thought we were blocked but apparently not because my wife got an instant message from Kaylene. She writes that she is aware that we want to see Olivia. However at this point I feel like I deserve an apology for you cussing and throwing me out of the house. I thought an apology would help and maybe make my decision easier. But then I read Jeff's blog post and was shocked. Apparently you are not aware that I took Olivia to urgent care but was then directed to the hospital. I was then told there was a chance she could lose function in her hand. I had to take her to the burn unit in Omaha for treatment which I did once a week. As I watched them peel off the dead skin form her hand. Her hand was wrapped and hurt to crawl. CPS wanted to file a report but I told them that that was not necessary because I knew it was not done on purpose. However it was not a little burn. If you don't understand the severity of that then I don't know how to help you understand. Olivia is happy, healthy, and I can go to sleep knowing she is safe and loved. That to me is what matters. It would be appreciated if you leave myself and my family alone. Who Olivia sees is nobody's decision but mine.

I was not finished when I stopped so to Kaylene I was not trying to minimize the situation. I myself posted the picture of her little hand on facebook for everyone to see. It was a nasty burn which I have always said. I may be mistaken but I believe there was only 1 trip to Omaha and that was at your request. The peeling of her skin was the blisters coming off. Even the babysitter said she was getting around really good with her hand wrapped. You can not make me feel any worse for what happened yet you continually try. I had a bond with that little girl and you have done everything in your power to make sure that that never happens again. You made a comment about how my wife talked to your mom like an adult but not to you. I don't believe that to be true but I do believe that your immaturity shows through in almost everything you have said to us. You like to sensationalize and embellish the facts. The more you are the victim the better. I hope and pray that you mature and that these examples are not how you bring up my granddaughter. I totally understand now that I will not see her until the day she may want to meet us when she is older. That totally sucks but it is the perfect get even for you. She is a beautiful little girl and she means the world to me and you  know it.

I can not even begin to express my sadness. This is loss that seems even worse than death. The grief can not go away because she is not dead, just gone from our lives. The is a hole in my heart and the pain sometimes is almost unbearable. People who know me know my love for kids. We have been foster parents. I have been a CASA volunteer and a FCRB member. I volunteer time at the school for several of the sports functions. I volunteer for a charity as Santa Clause. I LOVE KIDS! I think that is probably what makes this loss even more painful. I loved being a dad. Did I make mistakes? Hell yes I made mistakes. If I could do things over again would I make changes? Again yes there are things I would go back and change. However, I have only 1 regret and that is all. I gave a lot of time to my boys. I loved being outside with them, playing games with them, camping, fishing, and most of all hugs and loving them. I have 4 awesome boys. Are they perfect? No. But they are good and decent men and that is all I could really hope for. Now I have a daughter. I spoil the crap out of her. She gets way more than the boys and yet she also gets way less. Financially with only her in the home she gets more monetarily than the boys ever did. However, she gets far less of my time playing and doing activities than what the boys had. I personally would give up the money to be able to play outside with her more. Is it an even trade out? I don't know. But to know the love I have for all of my kids shows how much love I have for my granddaughter. Olivia will always have a special place in my heart. I will always hope that someday she is back in our lives. Until that day the tears will continue to fall.

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