Monday, March 13, 2017

Papa's love of kids

I was driving the other day and as usual I was missing my grandbaby. She is 17 months old today. As I was thinking of her I started thinking of mom. She died at the age of 41 and never met any of her grandkids. Let alone her great grandkid. My mom was a huge lover of babies. I suddenly came to the realization that that is where I got my addiction for babies from. My wife is always telling me that I am going to get arrested for being a creeper because I always have to flirt with the babies.

Now you take into account that I am a total baby freak and then add that Olivia and I had such a great connection makes it even more difficult. It is like an addiction and I have lost my drug. Some days it hurts so much to think of her and knowing that I can't see her.

I don't know which part is worse? Not having contact with Olivia or having to have contact with her mother. I am pretty sure it is a no win situation.

Wow! The insanity continues!

You at some point believe that out of sight, out of mind. You feel you are grieving and getting to the point where you are excepting the fact that your granddaughter is gone for a long time. Then she has to pop back in to stir the shit just to let you know who is in charge. lol  My son's current girlfriend gets a message from Kaylene that she had received a text from my son stating that he sometimes misses her. First off no one can say for sure that this is even true, second off the only reason to even send that is to cause turmoil. What an evil Bitch!

Then a week later we find out that she has called my son to let him know that she is serving him with papers to establish his visitation/custody. First off she wants to raise his child support to $700 a month. To some this may not sound like a lot, I mean he is a construction worker. However, She moved the week they moved into a home they had just purchased together. They purchased a faulty car and had the opportunity to trade and she said they didn't need too. Now he is stuck with a car payment as well for a piece of crap and a house payment living in a house by himself. I may be paranoid but does any of that seem planned? Anyway, increase in child support, assessments for anger management and alcohol abuse, and then comes the good stuff. She is planning a trip back to our area and his girlfriend and our family are not allowed to have contact with the child. Why is it so important to have him alone? No contact with his girlfriend? What kind of threat does she pose? They have been in a fairly long relationship. Now I know the reason for our family is to cause pain. The only problem with that is it caused more pain for my son than myself. I have no problem with no contact at this time because I am confident that sometime in the future that I will again be reunited with my granddaughter.

Yesterday Olivia turned 18 months old. She has been gone from our lives for 8 months. 8 months and she still feels that she needs to pop in and out of our lives just let us know we are not allowed visitation. It is starting to get very old. It's effect is not quite what it used to be.