Monday, March 13, 2017

Papa's love of kids

I was driving the other day and as usual I was missing my grandbaby. She is 17 months old today. As I was thinking of her I started thinking of mom. She died at the age of 41 and never met any of her grandkids. Let alone her great grandkid. My mom was a huge lover of babies. I suddenly came to the realization that that is where I got my addiction for babies from. My wife is always telling me that I am going to get arrested for being a creeper because I always have to flirt with the babies.

Now you take into account that I am a total baby freak and then add that Olivia and I had such a great connection makes it even more difficult. It is like an addiction and I have lost my drug. Some days it hurts so much to think of her and knowing that I can't see her.

I don't know which part is worse? Not having contact with Olivia or having to have contact with her mother. I am pretty sure it is a no win situation.

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